A Field Guide to Words:                    Enlightening, Eclectic, Entertaining

With lavender and poppies abounding in our garden it's time to come out and PLAY after the restrictions of winter and the pandemic, to delight in the extraordinary, the hidden stories, the wonders of a word’s past and present. 

These Field Guides are the ideal companion for teachers and logophiles. 

The writers, two educators, share their passion for orthographic linguistics to celebrate the sense and order of English orthography.

With these guides in your hand, you and your students will be inspired to investigate and marvel at the richness of the English language. 

Lyn & Ann's latest Field Guide to Words: PLAY highlights:

- the written orthographic statement with teacher dialogue 

- Chancery script as the foundation for all orthographic study

- an annotated matrix 

- how to read an etymology entry

- compounds

- a key phonological investigation.

A Field Guide to Words goes beyond and beneath the surface to uncover the unity and interrelationship of the 3 components of orthography: morphology, etymology and phonology.

A reissue of SERIES 1 (a set of 3 booklets) is now available:


Transformation & Metamorphosis 



Australia - Click on this LINK

International - Click on this LINK 


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